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End of the Week Review


Performance Evaluation Proposal Update

Tuesdays Personnel committee meeting, which had the review of the new performance evaluation protocols on the agenda, was pulled down by the chairs so that they could incorporate their ideas to improve the evaluation system in order to present it for review on February 14th.

We see this as a positive. The co-chairs of the ALC-Personnel committee(Sen. Breanne Davis and Rep. Mark Berry) are seasoned leaders with a great knowledge of our issues and a proven track record of tackling tough issues.

There is also a group of legislators working behind the scenes with the Governor's team and OPM on the pay plan and performance system. We are in communication with all parties and feel confident with our line of communications and working together as we move forward. Speaking to the lines of communication, we had a great conversation with the Governor's liaison in charge of state employee issues. We shared our concerns and she did the same and also wanted it to be clear that our issues are high on Governor Sander's priority list.

We will continue to work our communication lines. Our hope is to get the suggestions for performance improvements in our hands before the February meeting.

Lastly, all parties involved have spoken to that thy are working on something monetarily for state employees during the fiscal session.

ASEA's John F. Motes Scholarship Application Update

We had a bug in our online application form that made it difficult to complete. We have pulled it from our website and replaced it with fillable boxes and an upload feature so you can send us all the applicable paper work needed with one click.

If you were having trouble please try again.

Law Enforcement Stipends

The final round of approving stipends to agency employees in law enforcement was approved this week. Very happy to see this happen.

Thank you for being a member and have a great weekend!

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