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About ASEA

ASEA is a non-profit membership-driven association that advocates on behalf of active and retired state employees, and offers exclusive benefits to its members. Our mission is to unite all state employees to create a better future for employees and citizens of Arkansas through quality state government.


We believe that employees are the most important of state government’s resources, and we encourage high-quality work performance and professionalism by all state employees. ASEA is governed by an appointed board made up of active and retired state employees. This board represents regions of Arkansas, and various agencies.

ASEA Recent Achievements

2022 2% Cost of Living Adjustment added to employees base salary.


2022 Mileage reimbursement rate increased after our request.


2021 Protection of retirees’ health insurance prescription drug plan.

2020 Protection of your retirement plan. Proposed legislation would have reduced current and retired employees’ monthly retirement benefit.

2019 Career service recognition payment increases. $13 million annual increase for tenured employees.


2017  New pay plan passed. 


2017  Paid maternity leave legislation passed. 


2017  Performance pay returned to a percentage of your base salary.


2015  An act to study increasing employee retention passed and created a task force.


2015  An act to include certain college savings plans for voluntary payroll deduction.


2015  An act to authorize paid leave for absence during a national disaster for a state or city employee simultaneously employed as a federal emergency disaster relief team employee.


2015  An act to amend payment for claims to covered public employees to include certain forms of cancer developed by firefighters in the line of duty.


2015  An act to clarify the Ceal Act to include graduations, homecoming ceremonies, award and scholarship presentations, and classroom parties.


2015  Political Freedom Act - increased protection for state employees from discipline from public employer.


2015  Amendment to the Uniform Shared Leave Act to include maternity leave.


2015  ASEA drafts act to allow accrued time to be paid out in the event of death in the line of duty for officers of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Arkansas Highway Department.


2013  Successful Un-Can the COLA campaign.


2013  Home Health aides' mileage reimbursement rate increase.


2013  Catastrophic Leave amended to let employees donate leave to a specific co-worker in their agency.


2013  CEAL Act Expansion to include guardians of developmentally disabled adults.


2003  Grandchildren added to "immediate family" for sick leave.


2001  Privacy of state employee home addresses established.


1999  28-and-Out passed.


1997  The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP).


1995  Five-year vesting.


1991  Catastrophic Leave Act passed.


1991  Direct deposit.


1989  Career Service Recognition Program established.


1985  Increased employer contribution to health insurance.


1979  Employee Suggestion Award Act passed.


1977  Non-contributory retirement plan.


1976  Uniform Leave and Attendance Act passed.


1972  Legislation passing the group health/life insurance plan.


1967  ASEA was founded by L.D. Owen. Having no office, he operated out of the trunk of his car traveling the state talking to state employees.




Milestones & Achievements
Man Working at Desk

What are we working on now?

Lowering retention and increasing employee morale by studying the issues with your current pay plan and providing research to the decision makers. We are also constantly monitoring your retirement plan and your health insurance along with monitoring and advocating for all your benefits.



Congratulations on your retirement!

Let ASEA attend all the meetings concerning your retirement plan and health insurance. We will advocate to protect your benefits while you can enjoy your retirement. We can keep you informed through our newsletter, emails, and our retiree Facebook page. Did you know that you can purchase discounted amusement park tickets for your grandchildren? Did you know your grandchildren can be awarded collage scholarships? And don’t forget about your benevolent fund!



Senior Couple

Ready to Join Us?

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